Issue Manager 1.2 -- An issue/problem tracking system for Windows
Copyright (C) 1994-1996 Winnovation
Issue Manager is a sophisticated issue tracking system for Windows.
With it you can do such tasks as:
* Track action items
* Ensure that issues have a closed loop
* Track customer issues until closure
* Maintain a very powerful to-do list
Often we take an action item or notice an issue that needs to be
resolved, and file it in the back of our minds. With Issue Manager,
this issue can be tracked until resolution! You will never forget
about an important issue ever again. Issue Manager can even remind you
if a certain issue needs attention.
Even if they do write it down, many people use the simple checklist-
type approach, where you check off an item when it is done. The
problem with this approach is that an item is either complete or not
complete - there is no middle ground. Most often we don't work this
way; we need to track issues, make notes of progress that is made, and
finally note when the issue is closed. Issue Manager allows you to do
this with ease.
Here are some possible uses for Issue Manager:
* Maintain a list of action items for a team of people
* Track the maintenance history for rental property
* Keep track of issues that need attention during product development
* Tracking software bugs before and/or after product release
* And thousands of other uses!
To install, run install.exe
Issue Manager is available from Winnovation, starting at $49.95 per
copy. Issue Manager is freely distributable shareware. Mass distributors should contact Winnovation for up to date information. For more information, contact
Winnovation Phone: (970) 224-2058
P.O. Box 271071 FAX: (970) 224-2339
Ft. Collins, CO 80527-1071 CompuServe: 71774,605
USA Internet:
This section is reserved for information which has not
yet been incorporated into the user manual, or for
important installation and use instructions.
1. Network Installation
2. Tutorial
3. Installation under Windows NT
1. Network Installation
If you are installing Issue Manager onto a system
running a shared copy of Windows, you must run the
installation using the /N option (i.e. INSTALL.EXE /N).
2. Tutorial
If you are a new Issue Manager user, please take a few
minutes and go through the on-line tutorial (found under
the help menu). This will quickly introduce you to
Issue Manager, and save you a lot of time!
3. Installation under Windows NT
The installation package we are using does not function
properly under Windows NT 3.1. If you are using Windows
NT, please install Issue Manager on a Windows 3.1 machine
and copy the installed files to the NT machine. To find
all of the installed files, refer to the INSTALL.LOG file